We are into mining and supplying pulverized and processed mineral extenders and fillers such as Talc / Steatite / Soapstone, Dolomite and Calcite needed by the Paint, Paper, Plastic, Rubber and Cosmetic Industries worldwide.
The Company has been consistently supplying high quality products conforming to World Class Standards by maintaining the overall quality parameters of the consumers. |
We are committed to setting the standards for the mineral industry in such areas as innovation, technical assistance, product quality, health, safety and the environment, and ethical behavior. |
Company Policy
We have always searched for betterment by means of Technological Advancement and Refined Processes. This has made us achieve the cutting edge, which is vital not only for our survival and growth but also for the betterment of the consuming industries. |
Our Mission |
Our mission is to create optimum value for all our stakeholders — customers, employees, and social partners — by remaining the mineral supplier of choice with a commitment to excellence and responsibility. |
Our Vision |
Our Vision is to be the most competitive and the most reliable Global player in the field of Manufacturing and Processing of Superior White Mineral products |