We have been into mining and processing of minerals for nearly half a century. Since beginning, the philosophy of our business activities has been to understand the customer’s current and future requirements and to convert these requirements into a good quality product. This philosophy finds its origin from our belief, which is to be our customer’s business partner and not just a supplier.
We entered into the field of Mining and Processing of minerals when India was passing through the phase of agriculture revolution. The industrial sector was still immature then. It was a time when there were very few organized players in the mining and processing sector. They could not cater to the need of consistently providing good quality minerals to the industrial sector.

Also, there existed another problem. It was in the form of local middle traders who existed between the mineral processors and the consuming industries. Apart from adding high cost to the material, they proved to be the weak link in assessing and maintaining the overall quality parameters, logistics and inventory levels of the consumers. Also, they were poor coordinators between the mineral processors and the consuming industries.
These problems formed the rationale behind the establishment of “The Good Earth ” whose objective was to sell the “Good” Earth. In other words, the objective of our firm was and is to supply good quality minerals consistently to the consuming industries, which in term helps them in not only reducing their loss of sales but also in creating good value for their product.
Since our establishment, we have been mining, processing and supplying good quality mineral based products conforming to the World Class Standards, consistently round the year as per the requirements of the Industry. |